The Church Ambassador Network's Mission...
At the Church Ambassador Network, we hold to the teaching of Scripture that government is an institution of God’s with the purpose of punishing evil and rewarding good, and that those who serve in it are God’s servants.
We believe that government is separate from the Church, and has its own unique responsibility.
However, government needs moral guidance and counsel from the Church to fulfill its purpose to punish evil and reward good. It needs the true north that the Church provides through its head, Christ, and the Word of God.
Our Mission
Our mission is to build a relationship between the shepherds of God’s Church and God’s government as portrayed in the Scriptures. It is a relationship between institutions, not just individual local churches.
We accomplish this by bringing the shepherds of God’s Church (pastors) to the shepherds of government (historically the king; today, legislators, governors, and judges) with the purpose of building an intentional relationship that ministers to them both personally as well as in their unique role as “king.”
Our Vision
We believe that God desires all people to be saved, and come to the knowledge of Him. In the government arena, that means people from all political parties and ideologies.
Our governing authorities, like all people, need a transformed heart, and only the gospel has the power to do it. The political war in this nation can come to an end, but it will only be done though the healing power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The question must not be, “Whose side is the church on?” rather the question is, “Who is on the Lord’s side?”
Throughout history the shepherds of God’s institution of the Church have served as a moral compass and guide to the nations. We firmly believe if we engage in government God’s way, we will expand God’s kingdom, bring Him glory, and see souls come to know Christ.
The Church Ambassador Network
Through the Church Ambassador Network, pastors have begun to build relationships with our elected officials through prayer, words of encouragement, and speaking biblical truth to various public policy issues.
These meetings are non-partisan, and all conversations are kept in confidence in order to protect the relationship between state officials and pastors. We want them to know these relationships will not be used for political gain.
Now in 20 states, the Church Ambassador Network has been working with hundreds of pastors to develop a ministering relationship with our elected officials. Pastors have made over 10,000 pastoral visits since 2016 – to meet with state lawmakers, members of the executive branch, governors, and U.S. senators.